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Home  >  Reading and Writing  >  Creative Contests  >  Creative Writing Contest
Since 1981, the University of Alaska Anchorage and the Anchorage Daily News have sponsored an annual creative writing contest that has drawn participants of every age from every part of Alaska. LitSite Alaska is pleased to present a listing of contest winners since 1981. In addition, selected winning entries from the 1996 through 2007 and all first place winning entries from 2010 to the present are included.
41st Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2024
A list of winners with examples of winning work, plus a list of contest judges.

40th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2023
A list of winners with examples of winning work, plus a list of contest judges.

39th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2022
A list of winners with examples of winning work, plus a list of contest judges.

38th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2021
A list of winners with examples of winning work, plus a list of contest judges.

37th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2020
A list of winners with examples of winning work, plus a list of contest judges.

36th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2019
A list of winners with examples of winning work, plus a list of contest judges.

35th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2017
A list of winners with examples of winning work, plus a list of contest judges.

34th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2016
A list of winners with examples of winning work, plus a list of contest judges.

33rd Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2015
A list of winners with examples of winning work, plus a list of contest judges.

32nd Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2014
A list of winners with examples of winning work, plus a list of contest judges.

31st Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2013
A list of winners with examples of winning work, plus a list of contest judges.

30th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2012
A list of winners with examples of winning work.

29th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2011
A list of winners with examples of winning work, plus a list of contest judges.

28th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2010
A list of winners with examples of winning work, plus a list of contest judges.

27th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2008
A list of winners and titles of winning work.

About the University of Alaska Anchorage, ADN Creative Writing Contest
Here you can access winning entries for the contest by year.

Q & A with Ron Spatz, Founder of Creative Writing Contest
In 1981, as a young professor new to the English department at the University of Alaska Anchorage, Ron Spatz -- who has since gone on to found Alaska Quarterly Review and LitSite Alaska, the online literary Web site ( -- had an idea: a creative writing contest that would be open to writers around the state.

26th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2007 (3 pages)
A list of winners with examples of winning work and profiles of the Grand Prize winner and Editor's Choice.

25th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2006 (3 pages)
A list of winners with examples of winning work and profiles of the Grand Prize winner and Editor's Choice.

24th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2005 (4 pages)
A list of winners with examples of winning work and profiles of the Grand Prize winner, Editor's Choice and winner of both the Fiction and Poetry contests.

23rd Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2004 (2 pages)
A list of winners with examples of winning work and a profile of the Grand Prize winner.

22nd Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2003 (2 pages)
A list of winners with examples of winning work and profiles of the Grand Prize winner and Editor's Choice.

21st Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2002 (3 pages)
A list of winners with examples of winning work and profiles of the Grand Prize winner and Editor's Choice.

20th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2001
A list of winners with examples of winning work.

19th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2000 (2 pages)
A list of winners with examples of winning work and a profile of the Grand Prize winner.

18th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 1999 (2 pages)
A list of winners with examples of winning work and a profile of the Grand Prize winner.

17th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 1998 (2 pages)
A list of winners with examples of winning work and a profile of the Grand Prize winner.

16th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 1997
A list of winners with examples of winning work.

15th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 1996 (2 pages)
A list of winners with examples of winning work and a profile of the Grand Prize winner, Wendy Erd.

14th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 1995

13th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 1994

12th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 1993

11th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 1992

10th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 1991

9th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 1990

8th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 1989

7th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 1988

6th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 1987

5th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 1986

4th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 1985

3rd Annual Creative Writing Contest, 1983 / 1984

2nd Annual Creative Writing Contest,1982

1st Annual Creative Writing Contest, 1981

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