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Home  >  Reading and Writing  >  Creative Contests  >  Creative Writing Contest
38th Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2021

Grand Prize Winner

"Walrus" by Wayne Lewis, Anchorage

Editor's Choice

"I Am From" by Lauryn Nanouk Jones, Mt. Edgecumbe High School, Sitka
"Castles and Caskets" by Melanya Berg, Anchorage"


Grades K-2:

Winner: "Amazing Trip Through the Water Cycle" by Jackson Crockett, Rabbit Creek Elementary School, Anchorage
Honorable Mention:
"Dennis' Adventures in the Deep" by Arcturus Bender, Mat-Su Central School, Talkeetna
"The Mystery of the Missing Statues" by Camille Burke, Connections Homeschool, Kenai
"The Witch" by Melody Wardlaw-Bailey, IDEA Homeschool, Anchorage


Grades 3-5:

Winner: "Aliens in the Dark" by Coltyn Kilchrist, Pearl Creek Elementary, Fairbanks

Grades 6-8:

Winner: "The Emerald Dress" by Maggie Herschleb, Cordova Junior/Senior High School, Cordova
Honorable Mention: "Shadows and Ice" by Morgan Saiget, Cordova Junior/Senior High School, Cordova

Grades 9-12:

Winner: "Opulent Estates" by Faith Felton, South Anchorage High School, Anchorage
Honorable Mention
"Countdown" by Adeline Hiemstra, West Valley High School, Fairbanks
"A First Thanksgiving" by Maggie Nevala, A.J. Dimond High School, Anchorage

Open to the Public:

Winner: "Castles and Caskets" by Melanya Berg, Anchorage
Honorable Mention:
"Minus 105 Degrees" by Michael Hughes, Anchorage
"Casting On" by Kimberly Searcy, Anchorage

Grades 3-5:

Winner: "The Three Wild/Domesticated Musketeers" by Sawyer Johnson, Connections Homeschool, Homer

Grades 6-8:

Winner: "A Cow, One Foolish Girl, and an Evil Metal Feeder" by Caitlyn Greenleaf, Whitestone Farms Training Center, Delta Junction
Honorable Mention:
"Going to the Hospital" by Zoee Greenleaf, Whitestone Farms Training Center, Delta Junction
"The Tenakee Orca" by Sophia Strong, IDEA Alaska, Tenakee Springs

Grades 9-12:

Winner: "I Saw the Aftermath" by Lydia Andriesen, Haines High School, Haines
Honorable Mention: "Screenshot" by Maia Brown, A.J. Dimond High School, Anchorage

Open to the Public:

Winner: "Agate" by Laury Scandling, Juneau
Honorable Mention:
"River's End" by Teri Carns, Anchorage
"Glennallen" by Michael Hughes, Anchorage
"A Letter from Remmington" by Joseph Jackson, Anchorage


Grades K-2:

Winner: "Rain You Finish Me" by Teagan Box, Susitna Elementary School, Anchorage
Honorable Mention:
"Lunchtime" by Josie Campbell, Anchor Lutheran School, Anchorage
"Valentines" by Alpha Mae Kelley, Anchor Lutheran School, Anchorage
"Books" by Sadie Maenius, Anchor Lutheran School, Anchorage
"Over the Moon" by Emily Perry, Anchor Lutheran School, Anchorage

Grades 3-5:

Winner: "Ode to the Dragonfish" by Wesley Keller, Whitestone Farms Training Center, Delta Junction
Honorable Mention:
"Water Flying!" By Valerie Greenleaf, Whitestone Farms Training Center, Delta Junction
"Moose" by Sawyer Johnson, Connections Homeschool, Homer
"Berry" by Wylder Johnson, Connections Homeschool, Homer

Grades 6-8:

Winner: "The Cage of Dogs" by Caitlyn Greenleaf, Whitestone Farms Training Center, Delta Junction
Honorable Mention:
"The American Illusion" by Joshua Pak, Polaris K-12 School, Anchorage
"Black and White" by Mia Selvaggio, Whitestone Farms Training Center, Delta Junction
"My Many Colors" by Lacie Sorhus, Kenai Middle School, Soldotna

Grades 9-12:

Winner: "I Am From" by Lauren Nanouk Jones, Mt. Edgecumbe High School, Sitka
Honorable Mention:
"Love Stories" by Tyler Kris Adres, Sitka High School, Sitka
"The Words" by Emily Blackmon, Sitka High School, Sitka
"Force of Wind" by Katielyn Vaughn, IDEA Homeschool, Palmer

Open to the Public:

Winner: "Walrus" by Wayne Lewis, Anchorage
Honorable Mention:
"I Bequeath the Water" by Melanya Berg, Anchorage
"Laura" by William Schmidtkunz, Sutton
"Percentages" by Allison Wayt, Anchorage


Thank you to this year's judges and coordinators:


Nancy Austin
Anna Bjartmarsdottir
Bailey Brack
Robin Brooks
Tricia Brown
Hayley Cavitt
Sherri Douglas
Christina Gheen
CJ Hernley
Joyce Hudson
Trish Jenkins
Christina Kowalski
Hannah Johnson
Sara Juday
Amanda Loy
Marie Lundstrom
MoHagani Magnetek
Peggy McQuown
Michelle Mitton
Betty Neal
Marissa Palmer
Elise Patkotak
Michael Preskitt, Jr.
Don Rearden
Sara Saxton
Sue Sommers
Ronald Spatz
Lauren Scantlebury
John Schultz
Carol Sturgulewski
Lila Vogt
Toby Widdicomb
Katherine Wood

Volunteer Coordinators

CJ Hernley
Sara Juday
Camille Oliver
Sarah Preskitt
Stephanie Schott

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