Winner: Gordy Vernon, Ketchikan, Shioq Tik Dok
Winner: Nancy Lord, Homer, The Bear
Winner: Gordy Vernon, Ketchikan, Shioq Tik Dok
Honorable Mention: Steve Hillard, Anchorage, The Heavy Gang
Nancy Lord, Homer, The Bear
Kate McKelvey, Trapper Creek, Calgary
Joe Page, Talkeetna, Farewell, Alaska
Mei Mei Evans, Homer, Katherine Foster Ferguson
Michael J. Firment, Metal Hands
Wayne Mergler, Anchorage, The Banner Road Snowman
Diane Ash, Anchorage, The Time Tub
Richard A. Chiappone, Anchorage, Chain
Bob Cherry, Dillingham, Sweet Potato Pie
Janet I. Houston, Anchorage, A Dachshund Puppy Speaks
Winner: George Harbeson, Anchorage, The Last of the Frost
Honorable Mention: Atz Kilcher, Anchorage, The Night of the Terrible Snow
Joan Cleppe, Anchorage, Natara
Cathy Compton, Anchorage, The Clashing Lives of an Afrikaans Woman
Steven D. Rounsaville, Kodiak, Going Hunting
Winner: Christine Denkewalter, Talkeetna, A Play
Honorable Mention: Andrew Starkey, Anchorage, A Case of Mistaken Identity
Julie Delapp, Anchorage, Like Father, Like Son
Wyndi Haynes, Anchorage, Good-bye Sarah Jane
Jennifer Hill, Dillingham, Circle of Humanity
Tony Valdez, Tok, The Mighty Dragon
Erik Gross, Homer, The Ice Age… Again
Rosilyne Borland, Anchorage, Untitled
Linda Avery, Wasilla, All I Wanted
Sarah Randolph, Yakutat, Untitled
Winner: Laura Ann Rowe, Wasilla, Revenge
Honorable Mention: Angela M. Hellenbrand, Wasilla, Molly Mouse
Michelle McIntosh, Willow, Time Gap
Matt Jorgenson, Big Lake, The Emerald War
Amy Grove, Homer, A Cruise With a Difference
Mina C. Kumar, Anchorage, The History Mystery
Laura Rogers, Anchorage, Two Bodies Are Better Than One
Jennifer Driscoll, Cooper Landing, Crying in the Shadows
Molly Davis, Kasilof, The Lone, Lone Moon
Julia Dryden, Anchorage, Trapped
Daynan Fellows, Anchorage, Together Forever
Bobbie James, Fort Yukon, Golden Tusk Elephant
Sheila D. Resari, Anchorage, Why There are Fish in the Sea and Birds in the Sky
Winner: Rob K. Baum, Street of Olives
Honorable Mention: Wendy Bishop, Fairbanks, A Vaudeville Woman Remembers Love and Sometimes a Small Child
David Cornberg, Anchorage, I Was in the Fifth Grade
Coppie Green, Fairbanks, Sleep and Summer Night
Kay Landis, Anchorage, Morning in Benares
Kate McKelvey, Trapper Creek, How Do You Manage?
Brenda Roper, Girdwood, December 21st
Leslie Leyland Fields, Kodiak, My Last Banya with You
Winner: Sally Carricaburu, Anchorage, Epithalamion
Honorable Mention: E. Douglas Blankensop, Anchorage, The Hurry, The Merchant, and Above Lough Nafooey
Sally Carricaburu, Anchorage, Writer’s Block
Sandra Eacker, Anchorage, Stones
Clark Fair, Anchorage, Beach Visit
Marjorie DeMartino, Fairbanks, Dena’ina Grandmother
CVC Walter, Anchorage, Distraction
Cammie Walker, Anchorage, Stalking Wild Indians in Anchorage: 1986
Winner: Lisa Burnett, Anchorage, Kodiak: Four Ways
Honorable Mention: Joe Ennis, Anchorage, Midwest Photo
Kelly C. Duke, Flames of Love
Molly Lou Freeman, Homer, Untitled
Dawn Hathaway, Going Home and Lonely Road
Laura Sampson, Palmer, Matanuska Valley Past
Jennifer M. Norris, Cooper Landing, A Ribbon
Karyn M. Brown, Palmer, Less than Perfect
Winner: Laura Eide, Anchorage, At Night
Honorable Mention: Shem Bingman, Wasilla, The Ice Cream Cone
Daynan Fellows, Frustration
Denali Kemppel, Anchorage, Mountains
Mina Kumar, Anchorage, Tornado
Xavia Robertson, Kenai, Death
Katie Torrence, Anchorage, Butterfly
Winner: Carol Hult, Anchorage, Reuben
Honorable Mention: Jonathan Waterman, Palmer, Tokositna Wilderness
Roberta Sheldon, Talkeetna, The Boy
Kelly Macaulay, Homer, I Began to Count the Eagles
Susan Morgan Howk, Palmer, The Cabin
Sharon Bushell, Homer, Spies
Helen Reed c/o George Reed, Anchorage, Untitled
Jennifer M. Davis, Anchorage, Cartoon
Walter T. Hinkle, Anchorage, Remember 1922
Jeanne Marinak, Eagle River, Assirqpaa
Winner: Steven E. Stark, Anchorage, Compromise and Receding Hairlines
Honorable Mention: Donna Pedersen, Anchorage, Muchacha de Barrio
Kay Landis, Anchorage, The Road to Manali
Marjorie DeMartino, Fairbanks, Of Glaciers and Rhubarb
Lori Atrops, Eagle River, Worst Thing I Did as a Child
Winner: Andrew Berkowitz, Anchorage, The First Annual College Mail Awards
Honorable Mention: Adam Sencibaugh, Valdez, First Hunting Trip
Kate Sheldon, Talkeetna, Anticipation, Realization
Ernst Rosin, Anchorage, The Miler
Jesse Franke, Valdez, Stuck in the Mud
Winner: Will Carson, Palmer, The Iditarod of ’86
Honorable Mention: Clay Arterburn, Willow, On the River
Joanna Weeks, Anchorage, My Grandpa, My Friend
Melissa Mitchell, Healy, Weather, December 1985
Thor Tingey, McKinley Park, Journal of Thor Tingey