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Suzanne Sharp tells her daughers, Janelle and Rachel, that if they want to learn about her Inupiaq culture (who she is and who they are as well), they can read, talk to people, and even take classes. It takes a lot of work to resist assimilation, Suzanne explains, especially when living in Anchorage.
Between Two Worlds
The caribou meat hangs in the Sharp family shed, waiting to be cut up and either eaten now or stored in the freezer for later. Though they live in Anchorage, the Sharps harvest at least some of their food in western Alaska.

Taking Initiative
Suzanne hopes her girls will continue to be interested in learning about her culture. She says instances arise when she tries to expand their understanding of where she's from, who her relatives are, what they are like.

Sharing Tradition
Suzanne's grandparents were discouraged from speaking Inupiat; they were required to speak English. By the time Suzanne came around, Kotzebue was a place of mixed fluency so she possesses limited comprehension and fluency in Inupiat.

A Story and Three Poems
In the original village of Qikiqtagruk (Kotzebue), children and young adults were playing Eskimo football in the fall when the ice wasn't quite frozen.

If I were a Snowflake
If I were a snowflake, I would tumble down from the sky, and I would land on a bunch of other snowflakes.

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