
> Family and Community
> Family Collections
> Durtschi

Heather, Mike, Max (6), and Reiker (3) Durtschi live in Girdwood,
Alaska, where they spend as much time engaged in the outdoors as
possible. Heather is a teacher for the Anchorage School District, Mike
a commercial fisherman. Here Heather discusses the integral role that
reading plays in her family's life.
Reading Adventures - "Giddy on Books"
Heather, Mike, Max (6), and Reiker (3) Durtschi live in Girdwood, Alaska, where they spend as much time engaged in the outdoors as possible.


Reading Time Was Doubled
When Max expressed an interested in any subject, I would go and find books about it for him. Construction, trains, and airplanes have always been favorites and still are with both boys.


Free Time to Ski
I started a playgroup for both boys when they were about eight months old. Some kids moved away and others joined, so it was fairly small but consistent.


Visiting Places We Have Read About
My husband, Mike, and I are avid skiers. We are both former members of the U. S. Alpine Ski Team and still love the sport. Living in Girdwood has made it easy for us to teach the boys to ski at a young age.

