Alaska's libraries hold audio, visual, and written material about the history of the Black Wolf Squadron and other early aviation in Alaska. Visit your local library or go online to see what's available in holdings all over the state. Take these simple steps:
- Access SLED (State Library Electronic Doorway) at .
- Click on the listing for ALNCat (the Alaska Library Network Catalog) to view the Basic Search window. Go to the Keyword field, and type in ALASKA HISTORY AVIATION or BLACK WOLF SQUADRON.
McAllister, Bruce. Wings above the Arctic: A Photographic History of Arctic Aviation. Boulder, Colo.: Roundup Press, 2002.
Mills, Stephen E. Arctic War Planes, Alaska Aviation of WWII: A Pictorial History of Bush Flying with the Military in the Defense of Alaska and North America. New York: Bonanza Books, 1978.
Potter, Jean Clark. The Flying North. Toronto, London: Bantam, 1983, 1947.
Ruotsala, Jim. Alaskan Wings: Aviation in Southeast Alaska. Vol. 2, The Golden Years, 1935-1946. Juneau, Alaska Seadrome Press, 2002.
Ruotsala, Jim. Pilots of the Panhandle: Aviation in Southeast Alaska. Juneau, Alaska: Seadrome Press, 1997.
Stirling, Dale A. A Bibliography of Alaska Aviation. Alaska: Heritage North Press, 1985.
Stirling, Dale A. An Overview of Aviation History in Alaska: With an Emphasis on Float and Ski Plane Use. Anchorage, AK: State of Alaska, Department of Natural Resources, 1982.
Ross C. Kirkpatrick Photograph Collection, 1920. Alaska State Library. Includes 121 black-and-white photographs and papers. Kirkpatrick was the pilot of plane No. 4 in the Black Wolf Squadron that made the historic 1920 flight. The collection includes photographs of the U.S. Army New York to Nome Flying Expedition from New York to Nome, 1920. Photographs were taken in Alaska and other locations such as Jasper Park, Canada, and Hazelton, British Columbia. Includes the flying squad, the Black Wolf Squadron and other airplanes. This collection also includes clippings from the flight and some personal certificates received by Lieutenant Kirkpatrick.
The Army in Alaska since 1867, 1867-1975. Alaska State Library. Includes 40 black-and-white and color slides, plus narrative. The collection consists of a slide show presented during the Army's 200th birthday, commemorating the 172d Infantry Brigade's 108 years of military service in Alaska. The 40 color slides include images of maps, historical illustrations and photographs accompanied by a narrative history.
Bill Frame Photograph Collection, 1912-1940. Alaska State Library. The collection of 300 black-and-white photographs contains views of tourists, automobiles, and transportation companies in Alaska in the early 20th century. Hotels, roadhouses and transportation companies, mostly in the region of the Richardson Highway (or Fairbanks-Valdez Trail), are shown. Locations include Chitina, Paxson, Gulkana, Copper Creek, Salchaket, Sourdough, Kenny Lake, McCarthy, Meiers and others. Also included are a few images of the Black Wolf Squadron. Individuals and community businesses are identified.
Wrangell Historical Society and Museum Photograph Collection, 1868-1970. Alaska State Library. Includes 830 contact prints and 181 black-and-white slides. The images in this collection from the Wrangell Historical Society include Alaska road projects, Wrangell residents and businesses, petroglyphs of Wrangell, and totem restoration. Reproductions are available from the Wrangell Historical Society.