What is SLED?
SLED stands for the Statewide Library Electronic Doorway, a public service that provides easy and equitable access to electronic information.
What service does SLED offer?
SLED offers its own menus of web sites of interest; it also features a search engine that will find sites specific to the user's needs. In addition, SLED links to several other search engines, helping its users to locate information as quickly and effectively as possible.
Who regulates the sites featured on SLED menus?
An Advisory Group of citizens and librarians meets regularly to choose and update sites of interest to Alaskans. They follow a set of guidelines for choosing which sites to feature, selecting sites that highlight information of interest to Alaskans that is accurate, timely, written by authorities on the subjects they address, unique, and useable. The Advisory Group reviews the chosen sites periodically, removing those that no longer fit the criteria for inclusion, and adding those that become of interest.
Do I need to supervise my children's use of SLED?
The sites that SLED highlights have been chosen with children in mind. However, because SLED offers links to comprehensive search engines that are not necessarily family-oriented, web sites that appear as a result of such searches may not be suitable for children. SLED is committed to the support of Alaskan's right to information, and therefore, requests that parents monitor their children's use of the Internet.
Where can I find SLED?
If you have Internet access, simply go to http://sled.alaska.edu/library.html. If not, head to your local library and log-on from one of the many available computers.