Children's Literature Sites Abound
Good web sites in children's literature abound. Michael Cattogio and our friend Roz Goodman, from Dillingham, share some of their favorites.


Notable Alaska School Library Sites
Here you will find links to web sites of school libraries around the state of Alaska.


Statewide Library Electronic Doorway (SLED)
SLED stands for the Statewide Library Electronic Doorway, a public service that provides easy and equitable access to electronic information.


Alaskana for Children: New Book Titles for Young Alaskans
(7 pages)
In this section Sue Sherif, School Library/Youth Services Coordinator for the state of Alaska, describes recently published children's books with an Alaskan theme.


Alaskana Web Review: Alaska State Library
The Alaska State Library Web site is a great starting point for someone researching Alaska or the Outside. Here are just a few of the resources you can on the site.


Sites for Mystery and Romance Readers and Writers
Sisters In Crime, the official website of the organization for women mystery writers, has links for anyone interested in the mystery writing genre.


National Library Links
This section features pathways to major national library collections online with extensive resources and links.


Literary Reference Sources
Say you're building a core literary reference collection in your public, school or home library. You have some shelf space, a small budget, and are actually thinking "print format!"

