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Libraries and Booksellers

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Meet some of the Alaskan librarians who help us find our way in the information age.
Jane Baird, Young Adult Librarian, Loussac Library
Jane Baird grew up in small villages along the Yukon River in western Alaska. Her parents were both teachers and they moved often, spending one or two years in a village.

Jerri Nagaruk, Head Librarian, Ernest Nylin Memorial Library (2 pages)
The community of Elim has much to be thankful for when they see the lights of their library shining brightly, and know that Jerri is faithfully working to provide them with books and information that enrich their lives.

Elaine Griffin, Chiniak Library Board: The World of Ideas
Elaine Griffin has been on the Chiniak Library Board since the library was founded in 1985. She and her husband, Ned, are team teachers in the Chiniak School, on Kodiak Island. The school has about 35 students, grades 1 through 10, and sits adjacent to the library.

Patricia Kennish, Librarian, Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Patricia Kennish says she felt destined to work in a school someday, and with her love of books, what more appropriate place than in a school library? Patricia is the librarian at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, a Catholic elementary school located in south Anchorage.

Barbara Jorgenson, Reference Librarian, Loussac Library
Reference Librarians, what do they do? They greet you with a pleasant smile if you're looking for a book, type some commands on their archaic computer and come up with a number like PS8311.669.114.

Emily Blahous, Technology Facilitator, Mirror Lake Middle School
"To get kids into the library is a minor victory; to get them to read is another thing," says Emily Blahous. "But I think if they're in the environment it might tantalize them a little bit and motivate them to read."

Michael Catoggio, Reference Librarian, University of Alaska Anchorage (2 pages)
Michael Catoggio loves being a librarian. He recently moved from his job as Humanities Librarian at Loussac Library in Anchorage to another great job: reference librarian at the University of Alaska Anchorage.

Stetson Momosor, Youth Services Librarian, Samson-Dimond Library
Stetson Momosor grew up in Long Island, New York. A vivid memory from her childhood is of a library she visited when she was nine years old.

Sharon Palmisano, Research Librarian, Anchorage Daily News
Sharon Palmisano remembers the first time she knew the importance of libraries. She was 15 and barely able to endure a dull English class. She wanted to be across the street in her parochial school's library.

Patience Frederiksen, Grants Administrator, Alaska State Library
"I've always felt that back East you can tinker with things, but libraries have been set up back there," says Patience Frederiksen, Grants Administrator for the Alaska State Library.

Marit Vick, Librarian, North Pole High School
"It is just like getting paid to solve puzzles!" says Marit Vick, whose favorite part of being a librarian is the problem solving. "It doesn't hurt that the students think I am some kind of a whiz..."

Denise Halliday, Girdwood Head Librarian
"I believe we need oxygen, water, and reading," says Denise Halliday, Girdwood Public Library's head librarian. Denise traces her love for reading back to the first day she learned to read.

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