
> Libraries and Booksellers
> Bookstore Profiles

Alaskans have a choice of bookstores that specialize in everything from
Alaska Native culture to classics and bestsellers. Offering more than
just books, most serve as a gathering place for poets, coffee lovers or
theatergoers. Find stories about the people and the personal vision that make each bookstore in Alaska unique.
List of Alaska Bookstores
An A-Z guide of Alaska-based booksellers.


Borders Books and Music
Borders is gone now, but here is a story about it from the LitSite archive.


Cook Inlet Book Company
Cook Inlet Book Company closed in 2006. The store was owned and operated by Ron and Lynn Dixon and specialized in regional books about Alaska and the polar regions. Lynn Dixon, a longtime Alaskan and third generation bookseller, said their goal was to carry every book about Alaska.


Cyrano's Book Store
Jerry Harper and his wife Sandy, a former talk radio producer, moved to Anchorage from Seattle to open a little literary bookstore and cafe. They saw their small store grow into what they called a "cultural mini-mall."


Homer Bookstore
Lee Post, part owner of the store for the past 20 years, says the owners know their customers well because Homer has low turnover of population. "We let people tell us what they want to read; we don't tell them 'this is what there is to read,' " he says.


Old Harbor Books
Old Harbor Books in Sitka is an independent bookstore that takes the term "independent" seriously. The store was formed in 1976 by a group of devoted book lovers, most of whom are still serving on the board.


Title Wave Books
In 1991, husband-and-wife team Julie Drake and Steve Lloyd started a small used bookstore in Anchorage. Since then, Title Wave has occupied three different locations, and has grown to become the largest independent bookstore in Alaska, and one of the biggest bookstores on the West Coast.


Valley Bookstores Finding Their Niche
It's that time of year, when the weather first turns cold, then very cold, then forget-it-and-curl-up-with-a-book cold. Only, where to find the book? Unlike Anchorage, the Valley is without a major bookseller.


Waldenbooks, Northway Mall
(Waldenbooks closed in 2007.) When Sharon McClanahan, assistant manager of Northway Mall Waldenbooks, was conducting a book fair at Chugiak Elementary School, she realized there was a great need for books in Spanish because of the Spanish Immersion Program at the school.

