Nora Clark has recently been working on a collection of cartoons, which she calls “Kats Only.” Her work has been inspired by the comic strip “Mutts,” which is written and illustrated by Patrick McDonnell. Nora’s strip features two cats, Aron and Gretchen. Accompanying these comics is a painting of a cat, also by Nora.
Nora's Cat Painting |
The Kittyco 1000 and Other Cats
By Nora Clark
I started on these cats with a school project to make an ad for a product. My product was the Kittyco 1000 -- a fancy cat toy. The ad was the picture of the cat behind the Kittyco 1000, ready to pounce. I enjoyed making it so much that I made another one, this one, a cat with a less technological toy. The third picture, the cat washing its paw in front of the night window, has no toy at all. I got started creating these cats, now I can't stop! I delight in challenging myself with new cat poses, made more challenging with the tools available on my painting program (AppleWorks). Because the program's tools are so simple, and kind of restricting, I am forced to be even more creative than I would be with paper and pen. I recently figured out a way to put them on my screen saver. When the screen saver is set to "zoom back and forth", they seem animated.
Nora's description of her cat pictures seems to say it all. I don't have much to add, only that this is something she likes to do in her spare time, what little she has. I've had absolutely nothing to do with her cat pictures, with getting her to do them, or critiquing them. I just appreciate them. I walk by the computer and every so often notice that another one has moved in with us. -- Bob