49 Writers
Find out about 49 Writers, an online blog and forum for Alaskan writers and their readers.


AQR at Twenty-Five (1982-2007)
When considering the twenty-fifth anniversary of Alaska Quarterly Review (AQR), I found myself amazed.


Happy 25th Anniversary, AQR: A Personal Reflection
AQR, in it's own, almost perverse way is ultimately Alaskan in it's resolute refusal to be predictably Alaskan.


Writing and Empathy: Reflections on the Special Olympics
(9 pages)
Anchorage and its surrounding communities hosted the 2001 World Winter Games of the Special Olympics. In connection with the Games, the University of Alaska Anchorage designed a special course to help students use the tools of creative writing to reach a deeper understanding of their own experiences and of others.


Writing Rendezvous
Every spring, writers in Alaska gather at the University of of Alaska Anchorage for a conference to get energized, inspired, motivated, and as one attendee wrote, "to get out of my hole."


Sitka Symposium on Human Values and the Written Word
Each summer since 1984, the Sitka Symposium has explored relationships between writing and questions of social and ethical importance, between ideas and the responsibilities of our work and our lives.


Perfect World: An Authentic Voice for Young People
Kathleen McCoy believes that writing is a great way for young people to figure out what they think. "They are thinking about life out loud ... writing is a way to find out about themselves and how they are rooted in the world."


Lit Out Loud (from The Anchorage Press)
On a Friday evening a few weeks ago, an intern at the Alaska Quarterly Review stood outside Bernie's Bungalow Lounge, bumming cigarettes and looking agitated. He asked passers-by if they'd seen the guy who had the PA.


Alaska Quarterly Review Celebrates 20 Years
Alaska Quarterly Review (AQR) kicked off its twentieth anniversary with a reception hosted by the Decker/Morris Gallery in downtown Anchorage.


Evening of Eclectic Music and Dance
Alaska Quarterly Review, one of America's premiere literary magazines, continued celebrating 20 years of publication with "An Evening of Eclectic Music and Dance" held at the Wilda Marston Theatre at the Z.J. Loussac Library on Nov. 15, 2001.


Northern Star: Alaska Quarterly Review
Now in its twenty-fourth year of publication, Alaska Quarterly Review ensures that writing from Alaska means more than just Robert Service and The Milepost.


Valdez Theatre Conference
Writers, directors, actors, and theatre lovers come to celebrate American theatre at the Prince William Sound Community College Theatre Conference held each summer in Valdez, Alaska.


Kachemak Bay Writers' Conference
Sponsored by Kachemak Bay Campus - Kenai Peninsula College /UAA, the Kachemak Bay Writers' Conference is held annually in June in Homer, Alaska. The conference features workshops, readings and panel presentations in fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and the business of writing.


Tending a Tribal Fire
George Bryson is proud of the fact that people from all walks of life, with different points of view, have had a venue in "We Alaskans." The magazine served as a venue each spring for the publication of the winners of the UAA/ADN annual Creative Writing Contest.


Writing a Constitution
It was one tough collaborative writing assignment, to set down words that would shape the future of the entire state of Alaska. In November of 1955, 55 delegates, including Victor Fischer, met in Fairbanks to begin writing the law of the land.


Making a Cookbook
(5 pages)
Molly Bryson, Sarah and Amy Glen write about testing bread recipes with other kids for the book, Electric Bread for Kids. Articles about the book also include an interview with Ann Parrish, president of Innovative Cooking Enterprises.

