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Narrative and Healing

Home  >  Narrative and Healing  >  Narrative and Healing: Poetry Corner
By Monica Pineda

I am weak, I am strong
I am afraid, I am brave
I am sad, I am happy
I am tired, I am powerful

Feelings that I can let go
Feelings that I cannot let go
Death of closest loved one

Loss of an ally
Loss of a friend
Fear of loving
Fear of failing
Suffering from sadness of life

Is this how life would be?
If so, what do I need to do?
Do these things temporarily stay in our life?
If so, how can I learn to let go?
Will I overcome this dilemma?
If so, when will that day come?
Then, I will wait for that day to come

About the Author: Monica Pineda is in her fourth semester of nursing school at the University of Alaska, Anchorage. This poem is based on experiences she witnessed during her nursing school journey.

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