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Interviews were conducted by Sharon McConnell, executive director of Blueberry Productions, Inc., Ronald Spatz, project director of LitSite Alaska, and Willy Templeton, director of Native Student Services, University of Alaska Anchorage.

Growing Up Native in Alaska (4 pages)
Essay about and excerpts from Alexandra J. McClanahan's book "Growing Up Native in Alaska" (CIRI Foundation 2000).

Janie Leask
President/CEO, First Alaskans Institute; Former president, AFN.

Robert W. Rude
Past president and executive director of the Cook Inlet Native Association and founder of the Cook Inlet Housing Authority.

Walter Hickel
Secretary of the Interior for President Nixon, former governor of Alaska.

Byron Mallott
Senior Fellow, Alaska Native Policy Center; original participant, former president and CEO, First Alaskans Foundation.

William Van Ness, Jr. (2 pages)
Former chief counsel to the Interior and Insular Affairs Committee under Senator Henry Jackson.

Tom Richards, Jr.
Past president of Alaskans on the Potomac, former Tundra Times editor and a staff officer in the 1970s and '80s for tribal organizations in the Alaska Area Office of the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Alice Petrivelli
Former president and current chair, The Aleut Corporation.

Sam Kito
Former chairman, AFN; former president, Fairbanks Native Association; former vice president, Tanana Chiefs Conference, Inc.; former vice president, Doyon, Inc..

John Havelock
Former attorney general, State of Alaska.

Margie Brown
President and Chief Executive Officer of CIRI; Former senior vice president; CIRI Land Exchange, Inc.; former director, The CIRI Foundation.

Nels Anderson, Jr.
Former deputy director, RurALCAP; former CEO, Bristol Bay Native Corporation.

Albert Kookesh
Current member, Alaska Legislature.

Irene Rowan
Former president of Klukwan, Inc. and member of Alaskans on the Potomac, which provided volunteer services to Alaska Natives traveling to Washington to work on ANCSA.

Guy Martin
Former CEO, Sealaska; former congressional aide.

Marlene Johnson
Former member of the Tlingit-Haida executive committee for the Tlingit-Haida Centra Council; one of incorporators of Sealaska and former chairman of the Sealaska board.

Esther Wunnicke
Contributor to the Federal Field Committee's "Alaska Natives and the Land".

Willie Hensley
Author of "What Rights to Land Have the Alaska Natives"; founder, NANA Regional Corporation; founder, Maniilaq; former president of AFN.

Senator Mike Gravel
Former United States senator representing Alaska.

John Shively
Former vice president, AFN; former chief operating officer, NANA Development Corporation.

John Borbridge Jr.
Former president, Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indians of Alaska; Former vice president, AFN; former president and chairman of the Board, Sealaska Corporation.

Nettie Peratrovich
Involved in Fairbanks Native Association and then, in Washington, D.C., with Alaskans on the Potomac and the Johnson O'Malley program.

Emil Notti
Former president, AFN; former commissioner, Alaska Department of Community and Rural Affairs.

Joseph Upicksoun
Former president, Arctic Slope Native Association; board member, AFN.

C. Robert Zelnick
Former reporter for Anchorage Daily News, former national correspondent for ABC News. Interviews were conducted by Willy Templeton, director of Native Student Services, University of Alaska Anchorage.

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