> Digital Archives
> People of the North
> Explorers and Adventurers
Newspapers around the world covered the exploits of Arctic explorers who were driven to extremes in their efforts to be first - to the North Pole, to the top of Mount McKinley, to the reaches of the continent. Their names became household words in the early 1900s.
Alaska-Canada Boundary Dispute
(2 pages)
Alaska and Canada's shared boundary, the longest undefended border in the world, was first established with the Anglo-Russian Treaty of 1825.
The Allen Expedition
(2 pages)
During the waning years of the western American Indian wars, the military posted Gen. Nelson A. Miles in the Pacific Northwest.
Margaret E. Murie, Grandmother of American Conservation
(2 pages)
Margaret E. (Thomas) Murie, America's "Grandmother of the Conservation Movement," was born into a polished, well-educated Seattle family.
Mary Joyce: Alaska's First Lady of Adventure
(2 pages)
Mary Joyce chose a path that some would consider hardship, but others would view as glamorous.
Will Rogers and Wiley Post
(2 pages)
America was in the throes of the Great Depression when another bout of tragic news streaked across the nation: two great men had been killed in an airplane accident in northern Alaska.