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21st Annual Creative Writing Contest, 2002
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Winner: Amy Meissner , Anchorage, "Forgiving Eva "

Judges: George Bryson, Kathleen McCoy, Ronald Spatz

Editor's Choice

Winner: Vic Van Ballenberghe , Anchorage, "Death of a Warrior "

Open to the Public


Winner: M.R. Katzke, Anchorage, "Fish Story"
Second Place: Young Chung, Anchorage, "A Certain Cremation"
Third Place: Stefan Marti, Anchorage, "A Crack in the Wall"
Honorable Mention: Paul Brynner, Anchorage, "In-Service"

Judges: Kathleen McCoy, Robert Clark, Richard Chiappone


Winner: Vic Van Ballenberghe, Anchorage, "Death of a Warrior"
Second Place: C. Henry Garber Slaught, Anchorage, "The Ravens"
Third Place: Peter Law, Anchorage, "The Accidental Alaskan"
Honorable Mention: David Abrams, Ft. Richardson, "God/doG"; Sydney Baranov-Kaderman, Anchorage, "Borderline"; Victoria Steik, Kenai, "Beach Medicine"; Kevin Miller, Anchorage, "The Traditional Way"

Judges: Cinthia Ritchie, Mike Doogan, Rosanne Pagano, Jo-Ann Mapson


Winner: Charlie Ess, Wasilla, "Night Net"
Second Place: Mary Langham, Talkeetna, "You Tell Them"
Third Place: Sandra Yi, Anchorage, "Food for Thought"
Honorable Mentions: Steve Baliko, Anchorage, "Two Days After Solstice"; Mary Langham, Talkeetna, "All She Has Outlived"; Stephanie Timmerman, Anchorage, "Sky"

Judges: Jim Kentch, Michael Catoggio, Paula MaCaron



Winner: Amy Meissner, Anchorage, "Forgiving Eva"
Second Place: Ernestine Hayes, Juneau, "Arizona Spyder"
Third Place: Jennifer Massey, Eagle River, "The Angels Dance"

Judges: Jim Macknicki, Joann Congdon


Winner: Jeff Apple Benowitz, Fairbanks, "Head Hunting"
Second Place: Pat O'Hara, Anchorage, "Tricia Nixon, Where are You?"
Third Place: Randy McNair, Wasilla, "The Substitute Bunny Boot Man"
Honorable Mention: Chris Kennedy, Anchorage, "Sex and the Second Coming"; Sherry Eckrich, Anchorage, "Eating Off the Land"

Judges: Warren Rhodes, Frank Gerjevic


Winner: Deidre McMullin, Fairbanks, "The Cruelty of Children"
Second Place: Michele Delange, Anchorage, "Think Outside the Box-and Other Advice Heard on Oprah"
Third Place: Danielle Wisdom, Eagle River, "Loyalty"

Judges: Michelle Horn, Jackie Carr

Grades 10-12


Winner: Rachel Mannheimer, Anchorage, "The Cat"
Second Place: Nitesh Srivastava, Eagle River, "Insert Title Here"
Third Place: Dan Wilson, Anchorage, "An Imagination's Figment and a Figment's Imagination"
Honorable Mentions: Woody Litman, Sitka, "Trip to Portsville"; Hailey Heinz, Eagle River, "Waiting Room"; Galen Britton, Anchorage, "Kit Moon: The Sorcerer and the Jewel"; Preston Wendt, Kenai, "Trespan, War Chief"; Benjamin Logsdon, Palmer, "The Oak by the River"

Judges: Rose Cox, Kathleen Macknicki


Winner: William D. L. Elliott, Wasilla, "In My Hands"
Second Place: Lauren Froeschle, Anchorage, "Blanket"
Third Place: Lindsey Meyn, Anchorage, "Writing"
Honorable Mention: Scott Morrison, Anchorage, "The Tale of the Gun-Toting Moose"; Dan Wilson, Anchorage, "An Inquiry Into Society, Causality and the Effects of Sleep Deprivation"; Hailey Heinz, Eagle River, "A Girl Named Summer"; Teri-Ann Thompson, Anchorage, "McHugh Creek"; Cynthia Chavez, Anchorage, "A World War II Story"; Tamra S. Kornfield, Anchorage, "My Mean Green Freedom Machine"; Briana Sullivan, Chugiak, "Untitled"

Judges: Kathy Bonney, Sarana Schell


Winner: William D.L.Elliott, Wasilla, "Glory"
Second Place: Lauren Froeschle, Anchorage, "Thelma and Her Mango Lemonade"
Third Place: Miranda Snyder, Anchorage, "A Thunderstorm"
Honorable Mentions: Irene Ahgupuk, Shishmaref, "The Ocean"; Shayla Renae Compton, Anchorage, "Ode to Music"; Bradley Treuer, Anchorage, "A Pair of Old Hands"; Krystal S. Wright, Anchorage, "My Old Coat"; Tania H. Deisher, Eagle River, "The Analyst"; Ellen Bauer, Homer, "Everyday Angels"; Patrick Day Minor, Anchorage, "True Love"

Judges: Zaz Hollander, Dave Manning

Grades 7-9


Winner: Jessica Reed, Anchorage, "My Life On Paper"
Second Place: Leyna Rynearson, Anchorage, "The Hitchcock Scream"
Third Place: Mason Venhaus, Chugiak, "Escape From the Coliseum"
Honorable Mentions: Ian Jacobs, Anchorage, "The Shades Between"; Bethany Brimberry, Eagle River, "Beautiful Day"

Judges: Leon Unruh, Jane Szabo, Mark Weber


Winner: Matt Smith, Chugach, "Sijo"
Second Place: Kari Odden, McGrath, "Good Ol' #21"
Third Place: Laura Dixon, Anchorage, "Inside the Life of Laura Dixon"
Honorable Mention: Joseph Person, Chugiak, "Midnight on the Muskeg"

Judges: Lynn Hallquist, Pam Cravez


Winner: Hannah Hamler, Talkeetna, "Dishwater Weddings and Shattered Glass Slippers"
Second Place: Katy Trefry, Anchorage, "The Good Doctor"
Third Place: Alex Makar, Wasilla, "Fishin' in Alaska"
Honorable Mentions: Chelsea Selton, Shishmaref, "The Minnow"; Hannah Hamler, Talkeetna, "Lily's Theater"; Hannah Hamler, Talkeetna, "Inventory"

Judges: Heather Villars, Pat Kennish

Grades 4-6


Winner: Meghan Bill, Palmer, "How Okapi Got Her Coat"
Second Place: Mason Wick, Palmer, "Baseball Life"
Third Place: Sasha Watsjold, Eagle River, "A Raven Tale"
Honorable Mention: Jessica Barry, Anchorage, "Puppy At Heart"

Judges: Andrea Story, Kathy Johnson, Domonique Calhoun, Kathy Dumas


Winner: Steph Tougas, Anchorage, "The Story of Rosa Parks"
Second Place: Madison Moss, Palmer, "My Major Miner Teacher"
Third Place: Lyndsey Haas, Wasilla, "What Does Jackie Purcell Use to Forecast the Weather?"

Judges: Jan O'Meara, Sara Juday


Winner: Kirsten Adams, Anchorage, "The Ghost of Finn McDonald"
Second Place: Cooper Curtis, Talkeetna, "Some People"
Third Place: Emily McLaughlin, Anchorage, "The Rose"
Honorable Mentions: Adrian Young, Wasilla, "Clouds"; Anthony Jensen, Palmer, "Go-Cart Race"; Melissa Joe, Anchorage, "Lightning"; Isaac Gomez, Anchorage, "Personification"; Rosika Nees, Anchorage, "Alaska"; Meghan Bill, Palmer, "Spring"; Sarah Spring, Anchorage, "Redwood Tree"

Judges: Carolyn Grabowski, Beverly Fonnesbeck, Mille Spezialy

Grades 3 and Under


Winner: Anna Evenstad, Eagle River, "Princess Aurora's Adventure"
Second Place: Colton M. Kuper, Anchorage, "I Wish I Was Athletic"
Third Place: Simon Kiehl, Anchorage, "Adventures in the Unknown"
Honorable Mentions: Esther Glasionov, Anchorage, "Snowdrift and the Hunt"; Tara McClusky, Anchorage, "Helping Out At Home"; Maia C. Rardon, Anchorage, "My Bad Job"

Judges: Katie Pesznecker, Lou Ann Hennig, Jola Morris


Winner: Jordan Jenkins, Anchorage, "Buddy Saves the Day"
Second Place: Alexander Schumann, Anchorage, "Light the Fire Within"
Third Place: Nathaniel Knapp, Anchorage, "The New Territory"
Honorable Mentions: Shane Hautanen, Anchorage, "Commercial Fishing"; Hazel Peralta, Elmendorf Air Force Base, "Our Flag"; Joy Hurlburt, Anchorage, "Untitled"

Judges: Dawn Plescher, Elbertha Anker


Winner: Sonya Kostareva, Anchorage, "Spring"
Second Place: Paige Hinton, Eagle River, "My Traveling Friend"
Third Place: Nathan Saxby, Anchorage, "Darkness Hunts Me"
Honorable Mention: Kainoa Kitagawa, Anchorage, "Haiku Street"

Judges: Mary Silverman, Lisa Demer, Erin Spooner

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