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Reading and Writing

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Meet people who have rediscovered a traditional way to experience the written word, through public readings, poetry slams, children's story times and other venues for reading out loud.
Read Another One!
Toby Sullivan recalls a night in a fish camp on Kodiak Island when voices from other fish camps came out of the darkness on the VHF radio -- reading poems and passages from books they had pulled down off their bookshelves.

Father and Son Team Produce Rodent Radio (6 pages)
Radio KCAW, Sitka, on Sunday nights at 6 broadcasts a half hour of surprising "rodent radio." Genuine Mouse Radio is written and hosted by two mice named Eeek and Squeak, substantially aided by mystery writer John Straley and his 11-year-old son, Finn.

Following in My Footsteps (2 pages)
Public Radio has long been an important part of my life here in Sitka. I've hosted different shows over the years including music programs, and literature showcases. (John Straley)

The Shopping Cart Ladies
Marilyn Wakeland and Betty Broste have a live radio show on which they star as the "Shopping Cart Ladies." They read supermarket ads from start to finish for listeners to AIRRES, a public radio station for blind and print impaired Alaskans.

A Secret Life Unfolds Through Poetry
"Live poetry, treated as entertainment that either succeeds or doesn't, may be closer to the cultural edge," Peter Porco says. "Or maybe not. But either way, the slam seems to be fresh and a little reckless, dreamy or tossed off. Because I seem to be boringly responsible in my personal life, I invite poets and actors to step before a crowd and try to win it over with wit and guts."

The Birth of a Songwriter Through Poetry
In her youth, before she had four daughters to raise, Wendy Withrow's mother memorized poetry. Back then, before television, people did more to entertain themselves. They went to visit each other. They sat on porches in the cool of the evening and sang songs. They played games. They recited poetry.

What They Didn't Do
Surrounded by the spectacular scenery of his first voyage up Alaska's Inside Passage, Mort Maimon also observed an unforgettable lesson about the importance of sharing stories and experiences with your children.

Storytime in the Garden
I have now been the Storytime Lady for seven years. Every Wednesday evening during the summer, at 6:30 p.m., I take my place on a certain bench in the Alaska Botanical Garden, and I tell stories to little kids. We call it Storytime in the Garden.

Tips for Reading Aloud to Groups of Children
Five tips from the Barbara Brown aka Storytime Lady.

Recommended Books to Read Aloud
A list of books from the Barbara Brown aka Storytime Lady.

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