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Reading and Writing

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Meet teachers and parents who share their ideas for teaching not only the skills for reading, but how to instill a desire to read. Also included here are articles about community programs and organizations that promote reading.
Reading With Feeling
Buckland, Alaska, just southeast of Kotzebue, is far removed from the big city of Anchorage. Further still is the distance one must travel when bridging the road between the printed word and Braille. As a first grader in the Buckland Elementary School, Jeremiah is traveling this road, and is now reading with "feeling."

Christopher doesn't like to sit still. He's a wiggly, giggly, active eight-year-old who loves to fish and learn new outdoor skills. But whip out a book and Chris takes note. He can sit still for a book.

Godmother of the Alaska Center for the Book
Most people know Sandy Harper as the owner of Cyrano's Bookstore and Off Center Playhouse in Downtown Anchorage. But many members of Alaska's literary community also know her as the godmother of the Alaska Center for the Book.

Excerpts From a High School English Teacher's Diary
Joann Congdon records events as she leads her class through a comparative study of Oedipus the King and the Bible story of Job.

Exploring New Worlds: RSVP Volunteers (3 pages)
"What are you passionate about?" is the question Christina DeNuptiis gets to ask daily, as she connects senior citizens in the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program with organizations and businesses. RSVP volunteers donated 84,000 hours of their time in 1999.

The Anchorage Reads Program
The Anchorage Reads program, which was started in 1998, is part of President Clinton's America Reads Challenge to ensure every child can read well by the end of the third grade.

The Anchorage Literacy Project (3 pages)
What's in a word? The whole world, for people learning how to read and write. Gerry Dubie devotes part of his free time to tutoring with the Anchorage Literacy Project. One of his students is JB, a native of Africa who is learning to read and write English.

Emergent Literacy at Chugiak Children's Services (2 pages)
Emergent literacy, the philosophy used at Head Start, states that parents can foster literacy by creating conditions for it to grow and thrive in their children, starting right in their own home.

Thoughts From a School Librarian
Alice Knapp, librarian at Chugach Optional Elementary School in Anchorage, believes "that kids are more apt to become lifelong enthusiastic readers if they are allowed to read what they most enjoy reading. "

Learning to Read by Writing
When they are authors, children quickly become aware of the need to gain meaning from print. The "author's chair" experience, where a child shares his/her story with the class, is a real situation in which each author learns how effectively he/she has communicated the meaning that was intended.

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