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Golden Age of Roadhouses  -  Related Materials
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Visit the Library for More Information:

Alaska's libraries hold audio, visual, and written material about the development of early roads in the territory and the roadhouses that grew with them. Visit your local library or go online to see what's available in holdings all over the state. Take these simple steps:

  1. Access SLED (State Library Electronic Doorway) at .
  2. Click on the listing for ALNCat (the Alaska Library Network Catalog) to view the Basic Search window. Go to the Keyword field, and type in ALASKA ROADHOUSES.
More Reading:

Elmer E. Rasmuson Library. Roadhouses along the Richardson Trail: Photocopies of Traveling Exhibits. Fairbanks, Alaska: University of Alaska Museum; Anchorage, Alaska: Alaska Humanities Forum, 2000s.

Ferguson, Judy. Parallel Destinies, An Alaskan Odyssey. Big Delta, Alaska: Glas Publishing Company, 2002.

Garrett, Ronald C. Life at the Talkeetna Roadhouse. Spokane, Wash.: Alien Publishing, 1998.

Phillips, Walter T. Roadhouses of the Richardson Highway: The First Quarter Century, 1898 to 1923. Anchorage, Alaska: Alaska Historical Commission, 1984.

Phillips, Walter T. Roadhouses of the Richardson Highway II. Anchorage, Alaska: Alaska Historical Commission, 1985.

Smith, Michael E. Alaska's Historic Roadhouses. Boulder, Colo.: Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, 1974.

Valdez Transportation Company. Alaska, a Travelogue of the Richardson Highway 1928: Constructed and Maintained by the Alaska Road Commission. Valdez, Alaska: Valdez Transportation Co., 1928.

Archival Materials:

Alaska Road Commission photograph collection, 1905-1956. University of Alaska Fairbanks, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library. The collection also includes a series of 422 photographs depicting Road Commission work in Southcentral Alaska, primarily in the late 1920s through mid 1930s. Subjects include construction activities on the Richardson Highway, Gulkana-Chisana Road, Robe River Road, and Kotsina Road; landscapes and roadhouses found along the roadways; and some aerial views.

P.S. Hunt photograph collection, 1905-1917. Alaska State Library. The collection includes a variety of images and scenics taken in Valdez, including community activities, buildings, and transportation companies operating on the trail from Valdez to Fairbanks.

George A. Parks photograph collection, 1911-1933. Alaska State Library. The collection includes images of a 2,500-mile inspection trip to northern and interior Alaska which Governor Parks, Malcolm Elliott (President of the Alaska Road Commission), and R.J. Sommers (Territorial highway engineer) took in 1928. Other images were taken by Parks when he worked for the U.S. Land Office and include Alaskan villages, mining operations, and vessels on the Yukon. The collection also contains aerial photographs of southeast Alaska from the U.S. Navy Alaska Aerial Survey Expedition in 1926.

U.S. military telegraph stations in Alaska, photograph collection, 1910-1925.
Alaska State Library. Includes U.S. military telegraph and wireless stations in Delta, Donnelly, Fairbanks, Fort Egbert, Fort Liscum, Gulkana, Hogan, Paxon, St. Michael, Salcha, Copper Center, Thompson Pass, Tiekel, Wortmann's, Tonsina, Valdez and Valdez to Fairbanks Trail.

Miller House Collection, Martin Frank Miller and Jay F. Kelly, 1915-1965. University of Alaska, Elmer E. Rasmuson Library. The Miller House Collection contains Martin Frank Miller's papers, Jay F. Kelly's papers and other papers pertaining to Miller House, a combination roadhouse, post office, and general store owned by Martin Frank Miller. Miller House was located 110 miles north of Fairbanks on the Steese Highway. Martin Frank Miller was a Circle Springs miner who later became U.S. Deputy Marshal at Nulato. Jay F. Kelly was the manager of Miller House for many years.

Cyrus Kingsley Gates postcard collection, 1898-1920. Alaska State Library. Cyrus Kingsley Gates collected these postcards at age 15 while on a trip to Alaska with his uncle, P. G. Gates, of Pasadena, California, during the summer of 1920. Dates of the postcards range from 1898-1920. Includes images of Rapids Roadhouse, Sourdough Roadhouse, Yost's Roadhouse, Meier's, Tonsina Roadhouse, Caribou Hotel (Carcross), Royal Hotel (Atlin), McCarty Ferry, Alert Bay, Hotel Holman (Copper Center), Seattle Hotel (Valdez), and Tanana Commercial Co.

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