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Every city, town, or village can claim a rich supply of oral and written stories from days gone by, whether it was a railroad boomtown, or founded by a swindler, or sprouted in a prime spot on the river.
Patsy Ann, Official Greeter of Juneau
(2 pages)
Born October 12, 1929, in Portland, Oregon, Patsy Ann was a purebred puppy who came north by ship.
Star the Reindeer
(2 pages)
If the people of Anchorage ever voted on a city mascot, the hands-down favorite probably would be a gentle, affectionate creature named Star, the reindeer who has charmed locals and visitors for years.
More About Reindeer (or is that a Caribou?)
Reindeer, whose scientific name is Rangifer tarandus, are semi-domesticated, slightly smaller than their wild cousins, and have a flatter nose.
Anchorage, the Tent City
(2 pages)
Alaska's biggest city sprawls across the Anchorage Bowl in Southcentral Alaska.
The Alaska Earthquake
(2 pages)
March 27, 1964 remains an infamous date in Alaska history, especially among those who survived it.
Fairbanks Burns - 1906
(2 pages)
According to one report, the fire began at 3 p.m. on May 22, when a curtain brushed he open flame of a Bunsen burner in a dentist's office.
Unusual Pets
Pet bear and moose were not unusual among the families and workers in Alaska in the 1800s and 1900s.