Truman Congratulates new Senator E. H. Gruening |
President Eisenhower signs a document |
Ike says: "You're in now" |
Governor B. Heintzleman signing bill |
Display of the 49-star flag |
Bonfire on the Anchorage Park Strip to celebrate statehood |
Anchorage statehood celebration, June 30, 1958 |
Alaska statehood celebration, June 30, 1958 |
49-star flag |
49-star flag |
49-star flag |
49th star added to flag, June 30, 1958 |
Alaska statehood celebration, June 30, 1958 |
Alaska Statehood recognition, Boston, Mass., September 1958 |
Alaska's governor, Mike Stepovich, and congressional advocates for statehood |
Alaska's three prospective congressmen |
Aloha, Hawaii |
An act providing a civil government for Alaska, May 17, 1884 |
An act to create a legislative assembly in the Territory of Alaska, to confer legislative power thereon, and for other purposes |
An act to provide for the admission of the State of Alaska into the Union, July 7, 1958 |
Anchorage statehood celebration participants, June 30, 1958 |
Annual Luncheon, G. O. Federation of Women's Clubs, Shoreham Hotel, Washington D.C. |
At the presentation of the 49-star flag |
Bartlett at the Baranof Hotel |
Bartlett shaking hands outside the Baranof Hotel |
Celebration of Statehood - July 3, 1959 |
Celebration of Statehood - July 3, 1959 |
Celebration of Statehood - July 3, 1959, gathering at Juneau Library |
Charles Sumner |
Celebrating the Statehood of Alaska as the 49th State |
Constitutional Convention |
Constitutional Convention delegates |
Crowd awaiting Bartlett |
Delegation visiting Hawaii for statehood celebration |
Ernest Gruening awarding or receiving a statuette |
Ernest Gruening testifying |
Flag hanging from federal building |
Framed 49-star flag |
Giant U.S. flag on Anchorage's Federal Building |
Gov. Egan awards medallion to Frank Metcalf |
Hawaii Statehood Ceremony at Punchbowl Cemetery |
Hearing before the Senate Committee on Statehood |
Jumping for joy |
Korean Army artillery |
Korean Army artillery |
Let us end American colonialism! |
Men sitting on a stone bench |
Military officer spreads a 49-star flag behind dignitaries |
Political cartoon advocating statehood for Alaska and Hawaii |
Presenting the Alaska State flag to the Govenor of Hawaii |
Press conference at the Anchorage Airport |
Rowland Cox with election officials |
Senators and the 49-star flag |
"Ski'ing in Alaska- Ain't we got fun" |
Statehood backers celebrate |
Statehood bonfire pile, 1958 |
Statehood bonfire, 1958 |
Statehood bonfire, 1958 |
Statehood bonfire |
Statehood celebration, Anchorage, 1958 |
Statehood celebration, Anchorage |
Statehood Victory Bonfire |
Testifying before committee |
There's a new star in Old Glory |
Totem pole at Ketchikan |
U. S. air mail stamp |
Welcome home Bob |
"What's the matter with Alaska - Taking their cut" |
"What's the Matter with Alaska - Too many strings" |
William H. Seward, likeness from the latest photograph from life |
Withdrawal of Public Lands, January 19, 1969 |