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Home  >  Reading and Writing  >  Love of Reading
A Constant Adventure!
By Sara Juday

Some kids begged to go to the park. I longed to go to the library. I can remember the first time I checked out a book from the school library -- Curious George. I loved Curious George and his curiosity that took him to places that I wanted to go. I could live his adventure and only he would get into trouble. But it wasn't the trouble that excited me exactly (it was a little). I lived in Linnsburg, Indiana, a rural town with few kids my own age. And I was shy too and maybe a little lonely. Through reading I made friends and went on adventures (and saw the possibilities of life beyond Linnsburg). Reading is an adventure! Curious George would get to do great things -- rescue people and make the world better and more fun. I still love visiting the library -- all those books to choose from, all those lives and adventures to experience.
Sara Juday and Sam

Since 1986, I have worked with Alaska Northwest Books in a dream job. I was initially hired to sell books and promote them. The job has grown and changed through different owners and, as regional manager, although I'm still selling books and visiting with librarians and bookstore owners, I'm also working with authors and editors to develop new books.

If someone had told me when I was a child that I would be making books when I grew up, I would not have believed him. Even though books made lots of things seem more possible to me as a child, a future in which I worked with books was beyond my dreams.

I read every day, for work and for pleasure. My husband has helped here too. He loves literary fiction and has introduced me to the richness of the classics. Always, I feel a little lost during that time between finishing one book and starting another.

My favorite time of day is when my 7-year old son, Sam, and I are snuggled in his bed and I read aloud to him just before we say goodnight. This precious time allows us to put the tensions of the day behind us and to share a good story. I get to read the new children's books, and, of course, reread favorites like Curious George. Through reading, I am able to enter Sam's world with him.

I volunteered to work with the Alaska Center for the Book in 1990. My work with the Center stems from my love of books and reading. I know that books have helped me see beyond my own life, to have more empathy with others and a richer life. I also know that books have given me hope and joy. I cannot imagine my life without books. Reading has been the one constant in my life. Through my volunteer work with the Center, I hope I can pass on my love of reading to others.

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