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Mushing Legend "Scotty" Allan  -  Related Material
By Jennifer Houdek « Prev   Page 2 of 2  


Visit the Library for More Information:

Alaska’s libraries hold audio, visual, and written material about Scotty Allan and his times in Alaska. Visit your local library or go online to see what’s available in holdings all over the state. Take these simple steps:

  1. Access SLED (State Library Electronic Doorway) at
  2. Click on the listing for ALNCat (the Alaska Library Network Catalog) to view the Basic Search window. Go to the Keyword field, and type in SCOTTY ALLAN.

More Reading:

Allan, A.A Gold, Men and Dogs. New York and London: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1931.

Darling, Esther Birdsall and Hattie Longstreet. Baldy of Nome. Pennsylvania: Penn Publishing Co., 1926, 1937, 1940, 1944, 1958.

Darling, Esther Birdsall. Baldy of Nome: An Immortal of the Trail. Pennsylvania: A.M. Robertson, 1913.

Darling, Esther Birdsall. Navarre of the North: A Thrilling Story of the Grandson of Baldy of Nome. New York: Doubleday, 1935.

Garst, Shannon. Scotty Allan: King of the Dog-Team Drivers. New York: Julian Messner, 1946, 1960.

Archival Material:

Nome Kennel Club. Souvenir of Second Annual All Alaska Sweepstakes, Nome, Alaska, April 1st, 1909. Nome, Alaska: Nome Kennel Club, 1909.

Nome Kennel Club. Souvenir of Second Annual All Alaska Sweepstakes, Nome, Alaska, April 1st, 1909. Knik, Alaska: Iditarod Trail Committee, 1969, 1909.

Darling, Esther Birdsall. The Great Dog Races of Nome Held Under the Auspices of the Nome Kennel Club, Nome Alaska: Official Souvenir History. Knik, Alaska: Iditarod Trail Committee, 1969, 1916.

Nome Kennel Club. Nome Kennel Club’s 3rd Annual Sweepstake Race. Nome, Alaska: The Club, 1910.

Photograph Collections:

B.B. Dobbs Photograph Collection, 1900-1910. Alaska State Library. 298 black-and-white photographs. Includes images of Nome and the All-Alaska Sweepstakes.

Lomen Brothers Photograph Collection, 1903-1920.
Alaska State Library. 258 black-and-white photographs. The Lomen Bros. collection, a major source of Alaskan history, covers northern Alaskan people and activities, including sled dogs and racing, Arctic explorers, Eskimo portraits, Eskimo hunters, Eskimo traditional activities, beach mining activities, Nome activities and businesses, reindeer and the reindeer industry, and views of various Alaska towns. Includes images of All-Alaska Sweepstakes and Baldy of Nome.

William Allen Moore Photograph Collection, William Allen Moore, 1915-1919.
Alaska State Library. 148 black-and-white photoprints. Most of the photographs in this collection were taken by Moore while he was stationed at the Fort Davis Army Post from 1915-1919, as a private in D Co., 14th Infantry. The images record the daily life of the soldiers, including their barracks and living areas, and people from Nome, Eskimos, primitive settlements, wildlife, ships and nature. Includes 21 views taken by Lomen Brothers; includes images of Scotty Allan.

Dr. Daniel S. Neuman Photograph Collection, Daniel Saheyause Neuman, 1911-1920.
Alaska State Library. 1,166 black-and-white photographs. The collection portrays life in Nome, Alaska, during the early 1900’s, including images of the sled dog races that began there. Original photographs from the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-1918, identify Northwest Territory Inuit from Coronation Gulf, Cape Bathurst, Dolphin and Union Straits, and Bernard Harbor. Images of the All-Alaska Sweepstakes.

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