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I Am
By McKenna Carlin
Genre: Poetry Level: Elementary 4-6
Category: UAA/ADN Creative Writing Contest

McKenna Carlin
I am aware of my surroundings.

I wonder what is out there.

I hear the splash of the Coho, beautifully jumping out of the water.

I see wondrous glory of the bright light that greets me every day.

I want to witness all the beauty.



I am aware of my surroundings.

I pretend I am flying over the river, just as the eagle graces me.

I feel the sky coming down when it rains, helping Mother Nature fulfill Her duty.

I touch the cool water with the tips of my fingers.

I worry I might get lost in the dark of the night.

I cry only when I leave the Mulchatna River.


I am aware of my surroundings.

I understand the beauty of this land may not last forever.

I say, "I will meet the ancestors one day."

I dream of the next time I'll come.

I try and drive the motor as I'm forced back to reality.

I hope I will see the spawning salmon as I leave this land.


I am aware of my surroundings.

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